
Panomatics: An Evolution in International VR Growth
As innovators of revolutionary technologies, Panomatics create extraordinary products that change the way we see the world.
In very special cases, a business idea is borne from a desperate yet unrecognized need for an entirely new technology. A high-caliber solution is then created, spurring a demand for a product or service where none previously existed. That kind of idea and execution is the very definition of innovation, and it defines our success.
Panomatics, originally 360 Virtual Tours, is one of the leading pioneers in VT technology. We took the most basic components of VR and engineered an extraordinary product in nearly every industry. We’ve worked with the world’s leading brands in Hospitality, as well as the Education sector, Streettours, Factories, Tourism boards and exhibitions. Panomatics were also one of the first companies to introduce Google-style street tours using revolutionary 360 VT technology.
Our evolution covers continents. Born in Berlin, raised in London, and matured in Asia, Panomatics exploded across multiple countries. In 2009, our Founder, Max, established our premier Asia office in Hong Kong. Today, we dot Southeast Asia’s map with offices in eight countries, including Hongkongin360, Pattayain360, and Indonesain360.
In 2017, Max rebranded the company from 360 Virtual Tours to PanomaticsVR to address the growing demand for VR in the Hospitality industry. Our extensive network serves the international VR market from our home office in Hong Kong.
Meet the panomatics team
CEO & Founder
MD thailand & VIETNAM
MD Indonesia
MD Malaysia
MD Singapore
MD Hong Kong
MD Europe
Head of production
creative director